Stephen Kinsella posts a list of questions from a high school student seeking answers regarding the legitimacy of intellectual property "rights", as well as his answers. They provide a good introduction to the anti-IP position. These are the questions asked,
click here for his answers:
- What would you say is the most powerful argument against copyrights and patents?
- What would you respond with to someone who argues that resources do not have to be finite or scarce in order to be allocated as property?
- How would you respond to Lysander Spooner’s argument that property is wealth that is owned, and wealth includes ideas since they can be manifested into tangible wealth?
- What about the argument that people own their minds, so they own the mental products?
- Some anti-IP people believe in a right to first sell. Would you say that the original creators should have a right to sell the creation first? Why or why not?
- What would you respond to someone who claims that if there were copies all around, the original inventor wouldn’t get as much profit as he should have?
intellectual property)
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