Salt Lake City Tea Party

Are you tired of the Federal government reaching into your pockets and your retirement accounts and stealing from you through direct taxation and counterfeit inflation of our fiat money supply? Are you you tired of the Federal government breaking free of its Constitutional chains and growing ever bigger towards Leviathan and totalitarianism? Then read up!

Salt Lake City is having a tea party! To protest the growing size and scope of the federal government, Salt Lake City will be having a Tax Day tea party protest at the downtown Federal building. My wife, son, and I will be there, protest signage and all. The specs:

When: Wednesday, April 15, 2009, Noon ~ 3pm *
Where: 125 So. State Street, Salt Lake City
Speakers: Federal Congressmen Rob Bishop and Jason Chaffetz, Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff, Activist and Author Candace Salima

* Click here to find protest information for Provo, Utah and St. George, Utah.
